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Owen Phillips

String Explorer: Book 2 With CD For Vio Download

Learning Together consists of sequential unison repertoire for string instruments of the orchestra and is intended for use in string classes, group ensembles, and private lesson settings. Harmony parts and bass lines complete the arrangements and are composed so that any mixed string ensemble, as well as ensembles of like instruments, can perform the pieces. Piano accompaniments are included and can be added to any of these combinations. Performance possibilities include individual solo or unison groups, class ensembles, and district or festival sized orchestras. The Learning Together repertoire can be used to establish solo technique, introduce ensemble skills, develop aural skills, and can serve as a foundation for learning to read music. Each instrument book comes with a CD that includes solo performances, string ensemble performances, and piano accompaniment tracks of the featured repertoire.

String Explorer: Book 2 with CD for Vio download

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Transcribe! on Windows and Mac reads mp4, m4a & aac files but not m4p which is a protected format (usually from theApple music store). However, Apple stopped using this format in early 2009 and these days all iTunes music downloadsfrom the Apple music store are "iTunes Plus". "iTunes Plus" is a higher quality download and more tothe point, it comes without DRM (digital rights management) - it's an "m4a" filerather than an "m4p". This means you can play it on non-Apple devices and software, including Transcribe!You can upgrade previously downloaded tracks to "iTunes Plus". You can find Apple's page telling you how to dothis by searching for "About iTunes Plus", which will take you June 2020 this link no longer provides any information on this subject. Perhaps Apple no longer allowyou to do this. You would have to ask them about that. Or read on, there are other solutions in this FAQ.

This might be because the track is not actually on your computer, maybe it is on a CD or in the cloud. You do have to have the track as a file on your computer before Transcribe! can load it.On Mac: control-click the track in the "Music" app (or iTunes as it is called in OS 10.14 or earlier) and select "Show in Finder" on the pop-up menu. If this command isn't there or is disabled then the track is not on your hard disk. If it is on your hard disk then a new Finder window will open, showing you the sound file (often an m4a or mp3 or aac file). You can drag-n-drop the track from the Finder window to the Transcribe! window.If it's not on your hard disk then on the pop-up menu you can use the "Get Info" command instead, and click on the "File" tab to see where the track is. If it is in the cloud then there may be a little cloud icon with an arrow. Click this to download the track.On Windows: basically the same procedure except you right-click in iTunes and "Show in Windows Explorer".

The short answer is no. The piano keyboard aligns with the spectrum above it, indicating which notesappear at which point of the spectrum. A piano keyboard is the most suitable way I know of for graphicallyindicating a full range of notes from left to right.However there is help at hand for string instrument players who are wondering where to find a certain noteon their instrument. If you right-click (control-click on Mac) a keyboard note then you get a pop-up box showingstring and fret information for that note. You can select your particular string instrument and tuningin Preferences - Fret Display.

If you are running Transcribe! 8.6 or later: Yes on Windows, Mac, and Linux. On Windows 8.6 - 9.1 and Mac 8.6 - 9.0 you will need to install GStreamer.Click here for information about GStreamer. If you are running Transcribe! 8.5 or earlier: Yes on Windows and Mac, but not Linux.On Windows you will need to install QuickTime (it's a free download from Apple),click here for more info.It's a fun little feature. Of course it's useful for creating videos with speed and pitch alterations,but the time-offset slider in the Video Viewer means that you can also use it as a very quick and simple way of correctingsynchronisation errors."How can I get the video to synchronise more quickly when we start playing?"With some videos, when you start playing (or go back to the start of a loop) it can take some time - up to a second - for the video to get synchronised with the audio. One workaround of course, is to start playing a little bit before the section you are interested in.This relates to the way in which the video is encoded and you may be able to improve matters by using a different encoding.See this pagefor more information about video formats and how to use them with Transcribe!."Video playback is jerky, what can I do?""I have a video which doesn't play, what can I do?""Export Video fails, what can I do?"First make sure you have the latest version of Transcribe!If you are running Transcribe! 8.5 or earlier on Windows or Mac then also make sure you have the latest version of QuickTime. On Windows, that would be version 7.7.9, released 7th Jan 2016,click here for more info. Also see "Special note about YouTube videos with Transcribe! 8.4 on Windows 7" on this page.If you are running Windows 10 or Mac OS 10.10 or later, then you can use Transcribe! 8.6 or later which uses GStreamer for playing video,click here for more info.If this doesn't fix it then it can sometimes happen that although other software can play a video smoothly, Transcribe! cannot.This is because Transcribe! has to use a different way of playing the video, as it needs to control the playback speed very precisely in order to synchronise the video with the audio at any speed you choose. Some video formats work better than others for this purpose. These problems relate to the way in which the video is encoded and you will probably be able to improve matters by using a different encoding.See this pagefor more information about video formats and how to use them with Transcribe!."On Windows or Mac I've installed Transcribe! 8.6 or later, and GStreamer, but video is still not working?"If you can run the latest version of Transcribe! version 9 then first do the update (free to existing users) whichyou will find here along with the system requirements. You should also delete theseparate version of GStreamer which you installed, as the latest Transcribe! has GStreamer built-in.Instructions are here. If you can't run the latest Transcribe then read on.Look in Transcribe!'s "System Info" (on the Help menu), where you will see a message about GStreamer, either to report what version was found, or possibly to say that it wasn't found. On Windows and Mac, the version which we distribute works pretty reliably, whereas some other versions don't seem to work so well with Transcribe!. So what you should do is try the version of GStreamerwhich we distribute here,and make sure to first delete the version you currently have installed, as described on that page. Then restart Transcribe! and check your System Info again.Miscellaneous Questions"I created a lot of markers and saved my transcription, but when I loaded it again the markers have gone"You probably loaded the sound file again, when you should have loaded the XSC (transcription)file which was saved. Read the Help for the File Menu (in Transcribe!'s Help) for more information.

Transcribe! 8.4 and earlier for Windows uses QuickTime (if installed) for video and other purposes (and does not use GStreamer).This is a free download from Apple. It's very useful with Transcribe! because it allows Transcribe!to display videos, to read various sound file formats not otherwise readable, and to export compressed M4Asound files (On the Mac, QuickTime is already included). The link is However for some unknown reason this page of Apple's sometimes fails to list the latest version ofQuickTime for Windows which is 7.7.9, released 7th Jan 2016, so you can also download it by clicking here.NOTE: when installing the latest version of QT you will need to select "Custom install", click on "Optional QuickTime Features" and select "Entire feature will be installed...". This is needed for Transcribe! to be able to communicate with QT.You will need to reboot the computer after installing QuickTime, before Transcribe! will be able to find it. If you look in System Info on Transcribe!'s Help menu, then you will see a message telling you whether QuickTime was found, and what version.

Apple have announced (April 2016) that they are no longer updating QuickTime for Windows. The last-ever version of QuickTime for Windows is version 7.7.9, released 7th Jan 2016. This means that there are a couple of security vulnerabilities in QuickTime which will never be fixed (seehereand here).Both of these weaknesses would only be an issue if you download malicious content and open it in QuickTime. Reading the advisories, my impression is also that they would only affect mov files though I'm not an authority.Just to put this in perspective, this means that you can get into trouble if you download mov files from malicious hackers. But then, you can get into trouble if you download any kind of file from malicious hackers, because QuickTime is far from being the only software with security vulnerabilities.Transcribe! up to version 8.5 uses QuickTime (if it is installed) for reading some sound file formats (such as m4a) and for displaying video. If you have installed QuickTime on Windows and now choose to uninstall it then Transcribe! will no longer be able to read some sound files (so you would have to convert them to some other format to use them with Transcribe!) and will no longer display video.The best solution is to update to Transcribe! 8.6 or later, which does not use QuickTime at all, either on Windows or Mac.

To accelerate your grading process, you can download students' assessment submissions and view them offline. You can download all or only selected submissions as a single ZIP file. Unzip or expand the file to view the contents. Each submission is saved as a separate file with each student's username.


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