Brother YIFY Free
This is a great Italian film directed by Visconti, which somehow escaped me until tonite 2/22/02.. I had heard about it and the praise it received at that time, (1960) but just never got to see it. I was seeing Foreign films at that time, I remember seeing La Dolce Vita, The Virgin Spring, and Hiroshima Mon Amour at our local foreign movie theatre in Essex County , The Ormont in East Orange.. long gone.. but missed this. Well, thanks to TCM, Ive had another sleepless night & have just seen a truly great Italian movie/ or great movie, period!!..What a saga ! what passion, what emotion !! The story of a southern Italian peasant family's journey and relocation to the big city... is just superb film making..The deterioration of the brothers relationship is almost pure GreeK Tragedy (there is a glimmer of hope with the youngest brother)...superbly acted especially by Renato Salvatori, as Simon, the most troubled of all the fratelli, and young, beautiful, Alain Delon as the younger brother Rocco who desperately tries to save his brother from destruction; and Annie Giradot, as Nadia the prostitute who adds to this families woes is just sensational in a role that should have won her all kinds of trophies. It was no mistake that Visconti used Greek Oscar winning actress, Katina Paxinou, in the role of an Italian mother( instead of say, Anna Magnani ?), her performance brings to mind all the heroines of Sophocles & Aesculus... yes tragedy and emotion of epic proportions..played to the nth degree... beautiful cast excellently directed... by Viscont1... thanks to TCM Im catching up on his great movies "SENSO" a few months back and now "Rocco" this is a treat.. also in cast a very young beautiful Claudia Cardinale as Ginetta.. This is film making at its best..dont miss it.. to be seen again and again..
Brother YIFY
After his father's death, Rocco Parondi (Alain Delon), three of his brothers, and his widow mother Rosaria move to Milan to join his other brother Vincenzo already living there. Vicenzo is engaged to Ginetta and had not expected his family's arrival. Second oldest Simone falls for prostitute Nadia who convinces him to be a boxer.It starts with amazing authenticity. This feels like a real family with real drama and real chemistry. Sometimes, its drama gets drummed up by the mother but that's an Italian mother for you. It's great. There is a lot being piled on in this three hour movie. I do feel that it goes overboard as it pulls into the final stretch. It dips its toes into overwrought melodrama. Quite frankly, this could work great as a family dysfunction TV drama. There's enough to stretch out for a couple of short seasons. This is an impressive Italian film.
Adam Scott stands out in the movie as the blind brother. He plays jerk real well. Perfectly made it hard to feel sorry for him. Making it easy for us to feel sorry for Nick Knoll's character, who is the protagonist.Knolls plays a man who has a one night stand with the girl of his dreams, only for her to become the object of his blind brother's affections when she sees him as a charity case.It's a crazy film about having an older brother who seems to be better at everything than you are (Except in this case, he can't see as well).The filmmakers tried to make a very quiet comedy that sneaks up on you, but it does not effect me as well as others like it. They're parts were the movie makes the blindness part of the joke was definitely funny without demeaning the handicap (as far as I...see). As a matter of fact, the movie attempts to make you see how blind people are people (and jerks) too, and they did a good job of that as well.My Blind Brother, is what it is and it has lots of fun moments, but not the best comedy on the block.
Robbie (Adam Scott) is a blind athlete, beloved by all, and an SOB to his brother Bill (Nick Kroll). Bill feels both bitter about his treatment and guilty about being responsible for the blindness. Bill falls for Rose (Jenny Slate) who also feels guilty about causing her boyfriend's death. They hook up but Rose can't commit. She decides to be a helper and takes on Robbie. She also takes him as his boyfriend before realizing that he's Bill's brother. Francie (Zoe Kazan) is Rose's roommate.These are funny people. There are some funny scenes. It's an interesting premise but the flaws in these characters make it less funny than it ought to be. Ultimately, it leads an incident that is almost too dark to be funny. These characters need some changes to improve their relationships. I actually love the banter between Jenny Slate and Zoe Kazan which makes their breakdown harder to take. I like the general premise but it just needs some changes.
I must admit that I had initially expected a bit more from "My Blind Brother", given the synopsis of the movie. So it was a little bit disappointing that the movie didn't fully deliver up to what I had expected it to.The story in "My Blind Brother" is about the rivalry of two brothers; blind Robbie (played by Adam Scott) and Bill (played by Nick Kroll) whom both happen to fall in love with same woman Rose (played by Jenny Slate).While there certainly were some good and funny moments throughout the course of the movie, I just felt that there was something missing from the movie to add that special ingredient to it. And it felt like most of the scenes weren't really fully utilized to the extend of what they could have been.The story told in the movie was adequate, and it had potential to be much more than it actually turned out to be at the hands of director Sophie Goodhart.The acting in "My Blind Brother" was alright, and the two lead actors did a good job in carrying the movie."My Blind Brother" lacked a certain key element of comedy that would have me in laughs. I was merely smiling or chuckling at best at some of the scenes throughout the movie. And that was also a disappointing factor to the movie, because I had expected more comedy from it.All in all, then "My Blind Brother" scores a mediocre five out of ten stars from me, as it didn't really live up to what I had expected, and it didn't really bring anything unique or particularly memorable to the comedy genre.
After reading some comments on this movie. Without pinpointing the hater.i must say i like the movie. It was sad made me cry and that's hard to do. The worst part of the movie was that his brother didn't do more to save his brother from being killed.its sad we live in a world that this can actually happen.we need to take more actions to keep the wrong people from being prosecuted wrongfully. wrongful death there's no need.without a shadow of a doubt. This was a well played movie by all .i only wished for a happy ending.but that don't happen in true life.true life wronged people suffer.
Before leaving on his second tour in Afghanistan, Marine Captain Sam Cahill, a leader, an athlete, a good husband and father, welcomes his screw-up brother Tommy home from prison. He'd robbed a bank. In country, Sam's helicopter is shot down and all are presumed dead. Back home, while Sam wastes away as a prisoner in a remote encampment, Tommy tries to take care of the widow and her two children. While imprisoned, Sam experiences horrors unbearable, so when he's rescued and returns home, he's silent, detached, without affect, and he's convinced his wife and brother have slept together. Demons of war possess him; what will silence them? 041b061a72